6626 Socionext

【English edition】Prime Market

6626 Socionext explanation

  • Prime Market
  • Nikkei225
  • Fujitsu and Panasonic’s logic semiconductor divisions merge
  • Semiconductor fabless manufacturer (fabless company…does not have its own factory and specializes only in design)
  • Japan’s first commercialized 5 nanometer semiconductor
  • Manufacturing is outsourced to TSMC
  • SoC development, main customers are overseas companies such as America and China
  • In a sense, it is a labor-intensive business.
  • In July 2023, major shareholders Fujitsu, Panasonic HD, and Development Bank of Japan sold their 37.5% shares, causing a sharp drop in stock prices.

Fiscal period


6626 Socionext

Fiscal year ending March 2024 Sales: Sales: 221.2 billion yen (+14.8%) Operating income: 35.5 billion yen (+63.6%) Ordinary income: 37.1 billion yen (+58.4%)

6626 Socionext YouTube Video explanation
