【English edition】Standard Market

6327 KITAGAWA SEIKI explanation

  • Standard Market
  • Manufacture of vacuum press equipment for printed circuit boards built into electronic devices such as smartphones and tablet terminals.
  • Development of special lifts, stockers, automatic warehouses, production lines for automobile interior parts, self-propelled aircraft maintenance lifts, etc.
  • Our unique technology of molding resin while uniformly applying heat and pressure under vacuum is used for multi-stage laminators for solar panels, curved laminators that do not require molds, press molding equipment for automobile power modules, and carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminate molding. Applied to press equipment, etc.
  • Manufacture and sales of thermoforming press related equipment (press equipment for CCL/PCB (FPC) molding, vacuum press equipment capable of handling high temperatures of 400°C, test press equipment for research and development, prepreg cutting equipment, IC card molding press equipment, printed circuit board material continuous production) Molding press equipment

Fiscal period


6327 KITAGAWA SEIKI Sales/Profit

Fiscal year ending June 2024

Sales:5.93 billion yen(△31.8%) 

Operating income:0.81 billion yen (+10.9%)

Ordinary profit:0.85 billion yen(+5.9%)
