7161 Jimoto Holdings(Regional bank)

【English edition】Standard Market

7161 Jimoto Holdings explanation

  • Its affiliates include Kirayaka Bank, the second largest regional bank in Yamagata Prefecture (116 branches), and Sendai Bank, second largest regional bank in Miyagi Prefecture (68 branches, 4 branches).
  • SBI Regional Bank Holdings is the major shareholder
  • Stock prices are declining, in a long-term slump
  • Kirayaka Bank fell into the red in the fiscal year ending March 2024, with a loss of 18.5 billion yen in credit-related expenses such as loan loss reserves and corporate revitalization support costs, and a loss of 8.1 billion yen in loss on valuation of foreign bond funds and other securities held. Talking with the Financial Services Agency to extend the repayment of public funds after the Lehman Shock and the Great East Japan Earthquake, which was scheduled for September 2024.

Fiscal period


7161 Jimoto Holdings Sales・Operating profit

Fiscal year ending March 2023 Sales: ▲24.6 billion yen
