4484 Lancers explanation
- Growth Market
- We operate an online platform that matches companies that want to request work with experienced professionals such as freelancers and sideline workers who want to receive work.
- Steady progress towards profitability
- Competitor:3900 Crowdworks
- Raised 100 million yen through third-party allocation to Marui, formed a business alliance, and provided new financial services to our freelancers.
- Raised 400 million yen by issuing CB and stock acquisition rights from Growth Partners.
- Released AI assistant “Autoron” for freelancers and companies.
- Raised 100 million yen through third-party allocation to Marui, formed a business alliance, and provided new financial services to our freelancers.
- Raised 400 million yen by issuing CB and stock acquisition rights from Growth Partners.
- Released AI assistant “Autoron” for freelancers and companies.
Fiscal period
4484 Lancers Sales・Operating profit
Fiscal year ending March 2023 Sales: 4.5 billion yen Operating income: 75 million yen